Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thenshingoso of currency

Thenshingoso  means 5 stage of heavenly truth.

Right balance of these 5 is necessity for equality.

  • UM From nothing
  • A  Create
  • E     Tagging
  • I      Trading
    Record and Publish trading block chaine of currency like Bitcoin.
    Only record how much currency who has and give or recive it.
    It is not recording quantity, currency tagged to something.
  • O     Donate
  • UM   Forget
  • A 

These 5 are circulation. 

Now these 

Tag, tagging and information can be evaluated by tagged structure

The tag is searching key. And it can have meaning.
In SRNStag administration is dominant ownership. And this administrative can distribute.
To use for keys, tag and tagged target must have a relation. This relation has a condition. For example, the condition is used for expressing priority.

The evaluation can be expressed by these tagged structures,
We can build structures with group knowledge, it comes from distributed ownership for the tags.

 The owner can express how owner feeling with tagging.

Balance of bank account.

Place of fulcrum is important for balance. Most people think, fulcrum of balance in bank account means 0 deposit 0 loan, and cannot move it. But actually, rich people has big amount of loan, and they regard that is balanced as same as the 0 deposit 0 loan.

Condition of leverage of balance is defined by length between each point.
Set premise: when moving goods with money, place of goods on the market cannot move randomly, so point of load is fixed.
The weight is kind of currency. Condition of lever is defined by point of fulcrum and effort.
The point of fulcrum is account owner feels 0 deposit 0 loan point. The point of effort is how much currency you have.

 In practice, power to move fulcrum is credit information from loan company.

Monday, September 1, 2014


It is a tagging authority without changing tagged structure.
Deposit exists without tagging expressed evaluation. It is how much user can give authority for changing tag structure to another user, but no one uses the authority to tagging. Actually, there is no situation such as perfect disability for tagging that means the degree of difficulty of tagging.

From another speaking, authority for "I Trading" stage in Tenshingoso of currency. Not "E Tagging" stage.

The market which composed from trading with a currency is power game with leverage. One of the balance of power game is described by balance of bank account.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

freedom of speech.

I think freedom of speech is equality to chance of using the expression tool. For example, think access to the internet is a basic right of human. Without paper and pen, most of us can not communicate. Discommunication is disadvantage for all existence.

For this  reason, free chance to chose protocol is a kind of equality.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Imbalance of Tenshingoso of currency, creates resistance of liquid premium

Now "Trading" stage is stronger than "Tagging". Speaking precisely, express information structure of cultivated and tagged with "Tagging" function is difficult. Because of this we must use some technology to express as currency. Even though, most of the information is not using technology for express it. However, we are using computers for "Trading".
Only search engine is using a computer for "Tagging", but only a robot can tagging. Because of this fact, most of us do not have a chance to use a strong facilitator for expression that is called currency.
Now common sense is the biggest evaluation structure, but that is not published as literature.So to manipulate it, we need strong priority against other people to change common sense. It is not published closed source thing, because of this feature, it is more difficult to change compared with published wiki style open source information.

We can not stop oligarchy of common sense without improving equality to chance to use"Tagging" power. Monopoly of tool for expression is against for freedom of speech.   

Initialize human body

How to initialize human body?
To use mudra. To initialize is the best way.
Eiko mudra for Initialize.

Eiko spirit: Glory

 Simple indication and having infinite difficulty.

 Simple indication.
For example, open and look far, go faster as you can
Each of them is most simple order to human.

Infinite difficulty
Fastest move is teleportation. But most of us can’t do it, and opening hand completely too.

Closing hand is not Eiko. closing is finite definition.


I define: mudra is leader of body.
form ever follows function.” Louis  Sullivan

In my experience、
without resistance of existance,
1 form ever folllows function and
2 function ever flollows form too.

Mudra is form that is using for obtain function from form, with 2nd law.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

How to devide all information to minimum particles with SRNS RDB .

Divide into digital level information particle.

Create records as tag or article. "0"  and "1".
Link them
"0" => link 1 => "1" => link 2  => "1"

Set count each link and sit with it.
That is minimum context.

Context can express nominal, verbal and adjective.
So currency has potential to express all parts of speech. Of course, it includes non-adjectival. For example, nominal, conjunctions and verbal too.
It means same as π includes all information.

How to express money with SRNS RDB

This table is sortable with clicking table header.
"SRNS "  "UI" etc. These table header cells are tagged tags.
Quant is now integer only, but ideally it can accept all kind of value type. For example, geometrical  UNIX time ect

I design RDB for it as mysql.
as jpeg

Description of table scheme
Each "id" column is a primary key.
Some column, which named "something" + "_id" is specify something with all table's id columns.
  • Tag/Article
    Without discrimination of these two, SRNS is working. But it is not good for practical use, so only the Tag table should be selected by "Like" order.
  • Link
    "from" "to" is specifying link from and to where with id. Self join is allowed.
  • Auth
    Control authority.
    object_id is specifying object with id of each table.
  • User
    User information. 

This RDB designing is based on Sunyata. I named it "SRNS RDB"
I think SRNS RDB can divide all information to minimum particles. So I think SRNS RDB can currentize all information includs nouns and verbs.

Now US dollar omit link table and it can not tagging.
But each weak person must have a recording system of evaluation as tagging. Because chance  to express how much in this currency must equal to all competitor of free competition.

Money :is a kind of currency

Money is a kind of currency

Boarder between money and other money is transaction or not with quantitative approach.
I define it "exchanging". To say in other words, one mathematical logic is available in one money market. One mathematical logic means, each of the
fundamental interaction in physics.
For example, when the first meeting of two different currencies, there is no market. People must barter two different currencies as goods. The foreign currency is regarded as goods for foreign people.

SRNS and google proofed qualitative approach for transacting currency.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

We can not evaluate human ability with FLOPS.

Everything can excite and be exited.
Someone says technical singularity is the point of computer ability which are evaluated by FLOPS overwhelm living thing's brain's ability are evaluated by FLOPS. I think that is wrong.

The living things functions are united with the time space. A bug is just a bug in a computer, but for the living things, that could receive as an answer with wise. The living things can define and translate not answer to answer.
There is infinite information. Calculation is the only way of transforming information to another format. Now there are lot
of needs for calculation. Because we still have wise to use computer, but the needs is finite.Finally discriminating answer or noise is reliability of information. Now a lot of people believe logical calculation, but credit is very strong for people and fragile. 

Calculating cannot create an answer, why it's very useful is we believe it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What kind of information can be currentized by SRNS.

 Currentized data can be saved to relational databases.
 RDB can expression which can be translated to binary. For example audio visual letter etc. .

 Possibly of binary expression is no limit. It is same as much as limit of world. So all information can be currentized by SRNS.  Currentize all information is destiny of SRNS and mine.

How to currentize

In concrete expression
How much US$ is the apple?
In abstracted expression.
How much "currentized information" is the "evaluated target".
Owner is Administrator of each owned record. Administrator can give authority to another user.

  1. All record has owner
  2. Identify evaluated target and currentized information with name and administrator.
  3. Identify user.
  4. Connect them link record with quality or quantity.
  5. Set owner to each target, currentized information and link.
  6. Exchange weight of links.

These are minimum functions to currentize information.
Testing, really added the functions of currency or not.

1.    Evaluation function User can find evaluated target with currentized information and order it with quality or quantity of link record.
2.    Save function Can save authority for administrating link record.
3.    Exchange function Exchange saved authority.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Learning": Always slave's masters are slave of their slave's presious one.


 is copy target evaluation for analyze.

 To create master slave relation, it needs authority.
That kind of authority comes from monopoly of presious things for slave.
To maintain this situation, master have to know slave's favor. This motive exceed learning opponents evaluation with wants.
 Speaking from another aspect. who wants to robbing someone's freedom with currency, who must learn opponents way of thinking ( evaluation).
 So currency is most strongest leader to learning, with its feature that is utilizer of seven deadly sins.

"Currentize" The stronguest way to export protocols to market.

It is "currentize"

I define it  It means adding major functions of currency to target information.
Something currentized information is currency.

How to use

 I currentize color.
 Color currentized by me.

Why currentize are the strongest way to export protocol.

 Currency evokes instinctive and reasonable wants to slavery.

Creator of evaluation system (economy), their exportation of evaluation are achieved by rob administrative for evaluating system. Outsider of it is a learner of original administrator's evaluation. Learner invades like this.  Because currentize is the strongest way.

All of the political system without the SRNS the equality of use random protocol is not provided.

Without the equality of use random protocol, there is no equality.

The other political systems do not set their the first priority to provide equality. 
Equality is the nessesity for free competition.
They accept distribution without free competition. That means they allow robbery.
I can't allow it.

 Anciant free competition needs only the equality of choose random rules without that equality. But without the equality of use random protocol, competitor must compete with rules that are written by not random protocol, there are not equality of choese random rules.


 What is the protocol.
 I have defined it, as regulation of information exchange.

   For example

 Languages (includes verbal - non verbal)
 Computer network protocol (the most famous one is TCP/IP)
 Rules (law)
 Physical law and causality are included with it. Things are exchanging information of existence with Physical law.

 Calculators(computers and brains) have specials of protocol. We can find the truth; Something can live good or bad, affected by what protocol uses.

A protocol defines the rules, which created by it.

 So. If we want the equality of opportunity and equal competition, all competitors must have a chance to the chose a random protocol.
 Protocol affects opportunity with this way.

The my definition of Equality

 Originally, the equality has one definition. Then it had been divided into two definition. The first is, equality of result. In the other hand, the second definition is of chance.
 I've provide 3rd definition that extend from 2nd definition. I name them 3rd is equality of chance to use random protocol. That equality includes, equality of chance to create and use protocol what you want.

 For just competition, recover lack of equality must be set to the first priority.
All existence which agree this inequality are must be vanished as soon as possible.
 The existence which aim to achieve this equality, have justice to take all profit from result of injustice competition.

Friday, July 18, 2014

I am anti-Zionist. Zionism is wrong.

In the old testament. Jewish comes from Israel. But Jewish is not native Israelis. Some other tribe lives Israel before then conquer other tribe. If Jewish were native Israelis and  Anglo-Saxon must accept accept  retreating from USA and Canada.
 I don't believe Ashkenazim is Jewish.

 If somebody thought ethnic creasing solve all problem, who must solve it all with this solver.

I believe solver that solves all problems is enough to rely all. Convert all information to currency is only the solver that enough to rely. If somebody knows other solver that can solves all problems, tell me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

All natural languages under influence of money.

In one moment,  we use various languages at once. If one language has addiction of convenience of intermediary language, most people using one language forever. In this case, if convinience was provided language dominant administrator, language user are taken administrator's advantage forever.

 For example , evaluating  unknown things, most people evaluate with money and exchange it. Exchanging is always using the protocol " mathematic " as intermediary protocol. That is addiction of convenience.

Choosing favorite stand alone language to think is minimun necessary right of human equality.

I insist, thinking with favorite language to maintain minimum human living is a minimum human right.

Languages have one's field of good and poor,  so if human restricts using languages, that means restricting barrier of entry and exit of competition. Using language means, specify the field of competitions that is regarded as a feature of languages.  
 In addition, the languages have an expert on it. Experts have an advantage, To perfect competition, it needs freedom of avoiding advanced competitors. So competitors need freedom of choice.
Languages and causality and law are kind of protocol.
 Translation between currencies to currencies called an exchange.
 Stands on this opinion, the definition of independent of languages is important. I define it, "Freedom of choice of intermediary protocol, when who translates a protocol to the other protocol with intermediary protocol.”
   Now we cannot have this freedom, so we are under dominoes presser.  Dominoes can compete with the expert of the specified language.   Exchanging currency to currency, we have to use mathematics, so the dominance of mathematical power is choke point of current of energy.

 There are 2 ways of assembling mathematical power, first is a computer, and the second is power for control computer.
    The second is very public skill, that the bottle-neck is only convert public knowledge to practical profit.  This world looks like people's wants has variety, but most people want money and wants to do with money has variety.
 So many people want the same thing, the first shareholder is dominant.  Someone who studying fundamental raw of mathematical theory does not need wants to money, but leading making profit continuously needs wants to money.
  All profit is taken by owner of group that acting final practical layer, so the owner want to maintain mathematical dominance and more strong dominance gather more strong envy from poor people. Envy is light house of bug of money. 

 Money has influence to all protocols. If you want to change the world, provide this freedom with ultimate CMS SRNS.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chronic variation of mainstream protocol.

 From most microscopes, all existence in the universe follows the grand unification theory. I think that means all existence follow one protocol in Microscope. Controversially, in microscope existence follow some protocol. In human history, more primitive age, more directly protocol like violence have super powers. But always only song and drawing has a dominant place in protocols. That reason is all protocol that can administrate with literal from the song and drawing. These are the origin of all protocols. The song becomes words, regulation and simplifying of drawing becomes letters.

 Violence is difficult to administrate out of administrators range of their own hands. But administrate direct force with other technology, for example mercantile or agricultural, controllability of direct force is increasing. Existing newer protocols are good at administrating older protocol, or administrate a new domain. Beforehand is successor of old superpower. If after born protocols want to be a superpower, it must invade old protocol with the new expanded protocol frontier.

 Now we have the big administrating power to protocol with a computer. So superpower protocol is administrated by mathematical ability.

 I think next protocol is amplified intelligence with computer by tagging.
Assembling correcting power of human is next superpower. For this, all information must classify with the most normalized format on the database like this

 The life can exist in current of energy flow. It is love.  To extend this field, I provide creating currency tool as Meta protocol.  Now most of the people regard money is Meta protocol, but it is not truth. Giving major functions of currency to all information, we can make current between not quantitative exchangeable currency and $.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Always the biggest business is administrating protocols bussiness.

Low regulations languages money, etc... These administrators are superpower of the world.
Now, in those protocols money have a dominant position. This reason is only our technology is specialized in mathematics. The older protocol needs more conversation skill to human. Controversially invents new protocol needs more insight for human.

 Old protocols are decreasing his power with time goes by, but newer protocols cannot represent to it totally.  Of course each administrators try to augment his authority, but they never thought, add transform function to own protocols. Money administrator thoughts, only mathematical exchange is the ultimate transformation that fits everywhere. In other hand, law enforcer thought, each life has the same right is ultimate equality, I thought provide availability for people, these both solutions are needed, and it is ultimate justice. To achieve that, I found quality exchange of currency in a very small market, and gradually introduce popularity competitions to currency share.
 Now, escape from quantitative changeable currency association, so difficult chose not using $ association. That means $ administrator does not have to mind no user situation, this advantage is very big.  Cryptocurrencies is creating few quantitative changeable currency, but it cannot dig not quantitative changeable value from $.  There is possible, someone who does not have compatible with $ with mathematical expression can provide new currency from something not evaluated.  To use this possibility to create a new economy, Adding major functions of currency to all information is crucial.

I want currency discussion friends.

 I cannot find, who wants to expand and extend the definition of currency. Or who knows extend the definition of currency provide justice of the world.
 I want to write about it in my mother tongue first and wrote it. But no Japanese criticized it. So I write it in English. To do it, I want to discussion friends. Evolutionary economics is this discipline. But until now nobody interested in it.

I cannot understand why nobody tried to add major functions of currency of all information, until now. I am the first person who made it.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is the tool for assisting group knowledge

 Most of our power of group knowledge from symbol and protocol of transmit it.

History of symbols.
First  Drawings
2nd , it simplified to symbols.
3rd , complex of symbols are grammar.

History of currency
1st there are Goods.
2nd.  Some goods regarded as it can save credit long time.: Saving function.
3rd. These goods can transmit credit and benefit. :Exchange function. Transmit function.

Exchanging is count credit with number.
Mathematical expression has the least width of recognition than the other protocols.
Translating credit that expressed by natural launguages into number is expanding area of business communication. 

2nd and 3rd is replacable.
Currency is current of energy. Currency provides the tightest connection between emotion and symbols with narrow interpretation width. But now currency can not handle all information.

Photoshop, DTM, vocaliod, Contents management systems provide better symbols manipulation. I call them CMS.

Ultimate group knowledge tool is manipulating all information as currency.
Giving major 3 function to all information on integrated CMS is most effective direction of  effort.

What is the group knowledge

 Group knowledge is shared classified structures of human recognizing of the universe.
Riles for how to classify is protocol.

 There are various protocols in the world. Body language, TCP/IP, currently, these are protocols.

Currency is the strongest protocol, that connection between mathematical expression and moving of emotion. This is the reason of other protocol has not got enforcement to human activity, stronger than currently is. Some goods that is regarded as believable things as a save benefit as we can. That is the currency. Compared with the other protocol, vocabulary is very little, only numeral, but many people can have the same interpretation of numerals, with mathematical expression. When people are learning new languages, using the same protocol. For example, body languages have similar point, so we can understand each other without a dictionary. Usually we use the same language, even though we have a different interpretation. If we have that difference, using the language helps curing fragment of interpretation, Currency can restrict ambiguity by using only few numeral and lots of mathematical expression, and that helps concentrating curing power for fragmentation.
  This motive sustains the connection between emotion and mathematical expression
  Compare with natural languages, using currency is easy to order to opponents. That is power of currency.

 From this theory, if all information expressed by currency, group knowledge would be improved.

 To solve all problems in the world fundamentally, I want to give current for all information, then give the major functions of currency.

 I invented, how doing it with web services.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

To solve all problems, what should we do?

Human revolution is group knowledge revolution. (Book Public)The World Wide Web is a very good tool for group knowledge. Content management systems and search engines are, too.
  Content management systems, search engines are too.
To solve all problems in the world, we should image ultimate group knowledge tool.
The ultimate knowledge tool is currency. It is tool for giving current for all information.

 What are the requirements of information with current? That is major functions of currency. 1st saving, 2nd evaluating, 3rd exchanging. Adding these functions to all information is improving the economy by maintaining the wider current band width of energy.

 Compare with the other protocols, why the currency has those functions? And what power sustains it?

 Continues to next.