Sunday, January 19, 2014

What is the group knowledge

 Group knowledge is shared classified structures of human recognizing of the universe.
Riles for how to classify is protocol.

 There are various protocols in the world. Body language, TCP/IP, currently, these are protocols.

Currency is the strongest protocol, that connection between mathematical expression and moving of emotion. This is the reason of other protocol has not got enforcement to human activity, stronger than currently is. Some goods that is regarded as believable things as a save benefit as we can. That is the currency. Compared with the other protocol, vocabulary is very little, only numeral, but many people can have the same interpretation of numerals, with mathematical expression. When people are learning new languages, using the same protocol. For example, body languages have similar point, so we can understand each other without a dictionary. Usually we use the same language, even though we have a different interpretation. If we have that difference, using the language helps curing fragment of interpretation, Currency can restrict ambiguity by using only few numeral and lots of mathematical expression, and that helps concentrating curing power for fragmentation.
  This motive sustains the connection between emotion and mathematical expression
  Compare with natural languages, using currency is easy to order to opponents. That is power of currency.

 From this theory, if all information expressed by currency, group knowledge would be improved.

 To solve all problems in the world fundamentally, I want to give current for all information, then give the major functions of currency.

 I invented, how doing it with web services.

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