Now "Trading" stage is stronger than "Tagging". Speaking precisely, express information structure of cultivated and tagged with "Tagging" function is difficult. Because of this we must use some technology to express as currency. Even though, most of the information is not using technology for express it. However, we are using computers for "Trading".
Only search engine is using a computer for "Tagging", but only a robot can tagging. Because of this fact, most of us do not have a chance to use a strong facilitator for expression that is called currency.
Now common sense is the biggest evaluation structure, but that is not published as literature.So to manipulate it, we need strong priority against other people to change common sense. It is not published closed source thing, because of this feature, it is more difficult to change compared with published wiki style open source information.
Only search engine is using a computer for "Tagging", but only a robot can tagging. Because of this fact, most of us do not have a chance to use a strong facilitator for expression that is called currency.
Now common sense is the biggest evaluation structure, but that is not published as literature.So to manipulate it, we need strong priority against other people to change common sense. It is not published closed source thing, because of this feature, it is more difficult to change compared with published wiki style open source information.
We can not stop oligarchy of common sense without improving equality to chance to use"Tagging" power. Monopoly of tool for expression is against for freedom of speech.
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