Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chronic variation of mainstream protocol.

 From most microscopes, all existence in the universe follows the grand unification theory. I think that means all existence follow one protocol in Microscope. Controversially, in microscope existence follow some protocol. In human history, more primitive age, more directly protocol like violence have super powers. But always only song and drawing has a dominant place in protocols. That reason is all protocol that can administrate with literal from the song and drawing. These are the origin of all protocols. The song becomes words, regulation and simplifying of drawing becomes letters.

 Violence is difficult to administrate out of administrators range of their own hands. But administrate direct force with other technology, for example mercantile or agricultural, controllability of direct force is increasing. Existing newer protocols are good at administrating older protocol, or administrate a new domain. Beforehand is successor of old superpower. If after born protocols want to be a superpower, it must invade old protocol with the new expanded protocol frontier.

 Now we have the big administrating power to protocol with a computer. So superpower protocol is administrated by mathematical ability.

 I think next protocol is amplified intelligence with computer by tagging.
Assembling correcting power of human is next superpower. For this, all information must classify with the most normalized format on the database like this

 The life can exist in current of energy flow. It is love.  To extend this field, I provide creating currency tool as Meta protocol.  Now most of the people regard money is Meta protocol, but it is not truth. Giving major functions of currency to all information, we can make current between not quantitative exchangeable currency and $.

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